@hybridous: "If the WT Society directed that JWs believe the moon is made of candy, there we go...it's about adherence to the authority."
You're absolutely right. Unfortunately, the Watchtower hierarchy has created and demanded a culture where its followers no longer respect what is true over what those authority say, but rather choose to venerate those in authority over what is truth. This is a toxic dictatorship that has led to grown people (such as @Addison0998's father) to engage in dismissive, infant-like thought patterns ("more evidence [will come] later").
I did notice, Addison, that your father remarked that we need to trust the Bible over "those other people" (historians). You could definitely find multiple articles online demonstrating that the scriptures are most certainly in accord with the 587BCE date. It's actually the Watchtower that has defected from what the Bible says. Hope this helps.